Nayare Montes Gavilán
(España, 1996)
October 2019
Artist, poetry writer, trans, anti-racist and anti-whiteness activist. Sudaka, non-binary. Peruvian in the diaspora, born and resisting inside the Spanish State. They possess a degree in Fine Arts from Universidad Complutense de Madrid from 2019. Dissident against the cis-heteronormative white supremacist system. Their work is focused on the crossroads of brown bodies. Their work also addresses issues about gender and race through audiovisual works, poetry and enraged actions. Their work confronts the violence of their contexts while recover and vindicate ancestral and dissident practices form Abya Yala, that have been blocked and erased by the European colonialist project. They is part of the second residency call for artist production of Centro de Residencias Artísticas de Matadero Madrid, on its first modality, Body Dissidence.
More info about their projects:
Program funded with the grants for independent spaces of contemporary creation 2018-2019 of the Madrid City Council.

With the collaboration of Montana

Check some images of the programme here: