Yeison García y José Ariza
(Colombia, 1992) y (Spain, 1994)
Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
Yeison García (Colombia, 1992). Afro-Colombian and Afro-Spanish. Graduate in Political Science and Master's Degree in Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Innovations and Applications from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Anti-racist activist. Founding member of the Afrodescendant University Association Kwanzaa of the UCM (2014-2016). Member and coordinator of the Asociación Conciencia Afro. Curator of the Conciencia Afro Festival. He published "Voces del impulso", (Ed. Centre for Pan-African Studies) and "Derecho de Admisión" (Ed La Imprenta, 2021). More information about his projects here: Conciencia Afro, Asociación La Imprenta.
José Ariza (España, 1994). Graduate in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Master in Social Research Methodology from the same university. He is a PhD student in the Sociology and Anthropology program at the UCM. He currently works as a research technician at UCM. He has taught Interior Design at ESNE (Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología). In addition, he has worked on other research projects, has carried out consultancy work and has been a reviewer of scientific articles. He is a member of Ecologistas en Acción and has been active in SOS Racismo Madrid.
Program financed by grants to independent spaces of contemporary creation 2020-2021 of the Madrid City Council.