Sombras ocultas
10 March, 2022Informe
4 May, 2022Repositorio

Repositorio is an online public space for oral stories that invites you to imagine, from the reading of a text and under the spell of the voice of its authors, other forms of co-existence in the face of the crisis that our model of life is going through. It thus becomes a space for oral stories, accents, words, silences that have been shaped in different territories. This oral archive has been curated by Andrea Pacheco González and in this edition 2023 participate Youssef El Maimouni, Safia El Aaddam y Rocío Quillahuaman. In the 2021 edition participated Andrea Soto Calderón, Víctor López, Lucrecia Masson and Gladys Tzul Tzul.
Online on our CHANNEL.
Program financed with the support of the grants for independent spaces for contemporary creation 2022/2023 of the Madrid City Council.