Guillermina Mongan
21 November, 2021
Rehaf Batniji
18 May, 2022
Rubén H Bermúdez
30 May, 2021
Rosana Antolí Gisbert
19 February, 2020

Rosario García Martínez

(Buenos Aires, 1983)


May 2022 - June 2022

Rosario García Martínez (Buenos Aires, 1983) has a degree in Arts from Buenos Aires University and postgraduate studies in Pedagogy and Education, at FLACSO Argentina. Since 2008 she has worked in the Education and Public Programs area of Fundación Proa. Within this framework, she is responsible for the design, monitoring, and evaluation of various programs that promote training experiences outside traditional formats, with a special focus on students and cultural professionals. She is the author of the book Por una institución híbrida. Experiencias de interacción entre Museo y Universidad, published by Fundación Proa in 2020. Based on this publication, she created the program Escribir al Hilo. Clínica de escritura sobre prácticas educativas en museos, a program carried out in collaboration with the Education and Public Programs team of the UNAM, University Museum of Contemporary Art of Mexico, aimed at museum professionals in Latin America to encourage research, writing and publication about art-education practices. She investigates practices in the cultural field, which propose alternative ways of approaching teaching, learning and knowledge. She is currently designing international programs that encourage the development of research, writing and publication spaces for museum professionals.