Rodolfo Andaur
(Chile, 1979)
November 2017
Curator and cultural manager, studied Social Communication studies and has a Master’s degree in Art History. He has articulated and managed diverse contemporary art projects in the region of Tarapacá, in the north of Chile, to promote local artistic practices from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru. He has curated over thirty collective and solo exhibitions, including Chilean and Latin American artists. His research focuses on how political contingency penetrates territorialities, geographical landmarks, cosmovision and geopolitical conflicts in South America. These inquiries led him to create “Gestionar desde la Geografía. Nuevos desplazamientos”, an annual journey of territorial exploration through the Atacama desert, which promotes thought on artistic and cultural practice in this very location. A teacher at Facultad de Artes Liberales de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, he writes periodically on exhibitions and methodologies of diverse projects on the arts of visuality with online platforms such as Rotunda Magazine, Artishock and Atlas.
More information about Rodolfo Andaur’s project here.
Programme co-organised by FelipaManuela and the Artistic Residences Center of Matadero Madrid, with the collaboration of Goethe Institute.
Check some images of the programme here: