Eduardo Carrera
(Ecuador, 1987)
November 2017
Curator and cultural manager, is Curator in chief at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito and cofounder of No Lugar – Arte Contemporáneo. With a Master’s degree in Cultural Management at Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (Barcelona), graduated in Visual Arts at PUCE (Quito) and alumni of the Independent Curators International (ICI) of New York, he worked as consultant and national director of Museums and Archaeological Sites at Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio de Ecuador (2015 - 2016), collaborator at Instituto Metropolitano de Patrimonio de Quito (2012 - 2017), Head of Research and Heritage at Fundación Museos de la Ciudad and researcher at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo (2011 - 2015). His recent exhibitions include “In Search of Global Poetry: Vídeos de la colección Han Nefkens” (2017), “Soy paisaje” (2017) and “Absorber la ficción” (2017) at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito, as well as “Queer City” (2017) at No Lugar. He coordinated and conceptualised “Estrategias en uso”, a lecture and meeting programme around curatorial practices, museology and artistic institutionality. He has coordinated and curated Premio Brasil – Arte Emergente 2013, 2015 y 2017.
More information about Eduardo Carrera’s projects here.
Programme co-organised by FelipaManuela and the Artistic Residences Center of Matadero Madrid.
Check some images of the programme here: