R. Marcos Mota
(Spain, 1988)
July - August 2011
Artist, editor, manager and researcher, of non-binary identity, resident in Barcelona. Their work traces gender fiction from dystopia, through bastard genealogies of transvestite identity, political folklore, and cosmic horror. Since 2013 they have been co-director of El Palomar, a project focused on creating intersectional collaboration between artists and other agents, on the recovery of queers memories and on to open doors to transfeminist discourses in the institutions. They were a member of the punk group Vaginoplastia. Their individual projects include: Lanzar un travesti al espacio, Staring-starring, T de transición, secta, ciencia ficción y travesti, El chroma y la muerte or جيفة. Among their collaborative projects are 5 strategies to transcend the gender binary, carried out with Giuseppe Campuzano and No es homosexual simplemente el homófilo sino el cegado por el falo perdido or Schreber is a woman, both from El Palomar.
Check out some images from the presentation show here.