Rosana Antolí Gisbert
19 February, 2020
15 January, 2021
Julia Romero
18 September, 2022
Joanna Reposi Garibaldi
23 April, 2014

Juan Domínguez

(Spain, 1964)

October 2020

Juan Domínguez is a conceptual clown, magical cowboy, model poet, unleashed storyteller and curator of pleasure. As a creator and organizer within the fields of choreography and the performing arts, his work explores the relationship between different codes and advocates the complete dissolution between fiction and reality, using the former to produce the latter and vice versa. He is currently working on the construction of contexts that generate stronger and lasting relationships through continuity. He is also working on the idea of co-authorship between all the agents involved in a live aesthetic experience.

Some of his works are: The taste is mine (1999) Todos los buenos espías tienen mi edad (2002), The application (2005), Shichimi Togarashi in collaboration with Amalia Fernández (2006), Todos los buenos artistas de mi edad están muertos (2007), Don´t even think about it! (2008), Blue (2009), Clean Room temporada piloto (2010), Una habitación sin vista (2011), Ya llegan los personajes in collaboration with Los Torreznos (2011), Clean Room temporada 1 (2012), Clean Room temporada 2 (2014), El Triunfo de la Libertad in collaboration with La Ribot y Juan Loriente (2014), Clean Room temporada 3 (2016), Entre lo que ya no está y lo que todavía no está (2016), Avant-Garten in collaboration with Arantxa Martínez (2017), My Only Memory (2018), Dirty Room (2018), Tálamo 2020), Entre tu y yo in collaboration with Amalia Fernández (2020)

In the last 17 years he has curated different festivals and programs. He has been artistic director of the In-Presentable Festival in La Casa Encendida from 2003 to 12, co-designer of the Living Room Festival from 2010 to 2013, co-curator of Picnic Sessions at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo CA2M from 2013 to 2015, co- designer of the Avant-Garten Festival at the Interntional Sommer Festival Kampnagel-Hamburg in 2017, among others.

Program financed by grants to independent spaces of contemporary creation 2020-2021 of the Madrid City Council.

More information about projects of Juan Domínguez here.