Guinho Nascimento
3 July, 2023
Nouha Ben Yebdri
12 September, 2023
Joanna Reposi Garibaldi
23 April, 2014
Jeannette Tineo
6 October, 2023

Jessica Figueroa Neikoleo

(Chile, 1982)

July 2023

She has a degree in Education (Catholic University of Chile) and a Master ’s in International Cooperation and Public Political (USACH-UCM). With courses in Aesthetics, Museology and Human Rights, she is currently a student of the Master ’s in History and Anthropology of the Americas at UCM in Madrid. She was an artistic mediator and coordinator of Public Programs at the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (MSSA), in Santiago, Chile. In this role, she was part of the executing team of the Mirada de Barrio project at the MSSA (2017-2020) and co-editor of the publication Mirada de Barrio. Arte y participación colectiva para imaginar territorios y comunidades (2022). Her work experience has included artistic co-creation, participation, and research with communities of students, neighborhood communities, women and gender development centers, artists, and curators, with whom she has implemented programs focused on critical museology and problematizing pedagogy, for the dissemination of divergent thinking and the exercise of human rights.