19 October, 2022Un Hogar en la Diáspora
15 March, 2023Open Studio

This year Felipamanuela collaborate with Open Studio 2022 Festival Professionals Program between February 18 and 27. Besides some of the most important artists' studios in the city, for the first time, part of the thirty independent creation spaces that are part of the Madrid cultural scene has also been invited. All of them were selected by a committee of professionals.
Thanks to the support of the PICE Program of Acción Cultural Española, participating in the international program, the curators María Elena Ortiz from the Perez Art Museum, Carmen Julia from Spike Island, Marta Mestre from the Centro Internacional das Artes Jose de Guimaraes, Irene Aristizábal from BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art, Irene Campolmi of Enter Art Program and independent curators Madelon Van Schie and Sergio Fazenda Rodrígues.