Sylvie Fortin
January 2020
Sylvie Fortin is an independent curator, researcher, critic and editor based in Montréal, New York, and Omaha, NE, where she is the Curator-in-Residence 2019-2021 at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts. She was Executive/Artistic Director of La Biennale de Montréal (2013-2017), Executive Director/Editor of ART PAPERS in Atlanta (2004-2012) and Curator of Manif 5 – the 5th Québec City Biennial (2010). She is a frequent contributor to numerous periodicals, including Artforum International, ART PAPERS, C Magazine, and Flash Art International, and her critical texts have been published in many catalogues, readers, and anthologies. She initiated PASS, the International Biennial Association’s journal, and edited its inaugural issue (2018). She is also editing the Fall 2020 issue of Public Journal on the currencies of hospitality, which she has been researching since 2017, and curating exhibitions of new productions by Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens (2019) and Liv Schulman (2020), as well as an ambitious group exhibition delving into medicine’s storied entanglements of the body and hospitality (2021).
More information about Sylvie Fortin projects here.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Art
Check some images of the programme here: